Saturday, September 11, 2010

1963--More Mark!

Is this the back porch before it was the porch I remember?  Or is this grandma and grandpa's house before they had the porch where the stairs went down both ways?
Mark--17 months old

I love this shot of Mark and Uncle Brent. 
Mark looks so cute and Uncle Brent looks so happy. 
I can just hear him laughing!

Made it!
Is that little stick in the first photo the peach tree?  It is so tiny!

Mark--18 months old
Where is this?  And is Mark eating a popcicle or a sucker?

Taking a trip on the River Queen. 
I'm guessing this is on the Great Salt Lake, yes?

Someone got a bowling ball! 
Mom, I remember your pink ball with matching bag and shoes.
Is this it, or is this Dad's?

Mark on his 2nd birthday.
I love the suspenders and the pom poms on the hat!
You rival my own children in cuteness!

Friday, September 10, 2010

1962--Seattle World's Fair

I found this postcard in Mark's baby book and thought it would be fun to add.

Mom, did you know the family you were staying with?  Did you eat in the restaurant at the top of the Space Needle?  What were the clothespins doing that was so much fun?  And you went to the Fair and left for the cabin on the same day?  Busy, busy!

Thursday, September 9, 2010


1962 included at least two trips.  One was to Uncle Scott's cabin with Grandma and probably Grandpa too.

The other was a trip to the 1962 World's Fair in Seattle, Washington.  I bet that was cool.  Do they still do World Fairs?  By the way, this is one of my (LeeAnn's) most favorite photos ever!

1962 also included a whole lot of Mark cuteness, of course!  And Mom, you are so pretty!  Is that the "triangle" end table in the first picture here?  I still have that!  I didn't realize it was that old.  Did you get rid of the slatted coffee table and that chair? Yes, I know these pictures are not in chronological order, but adding photos to blogger gives me grief almost every time, so I'm just happy they are on.  And I know my commentary is random.  I've accepted my randomness and hope you can too.  Just focus on the cuteness of Mark and it will make it all worth it. (Mark, I have always thought I would win a short leg/long body contest, but with your hanging diaper in that last photo of the set--you would give me a run for the money.  Not that we run well with our short legs.  But you are a runner now--maybe our legs continue to grow as we get older.  Or maybe only our upper body shrinks as we age. Hmm.)

Christmas looks like it was lots of fun!  That pull train is now at the cabin and check out the awesome block tower.    Mom and Dad, is this our house on Carolyn Street? 

I know you are smart Mark, but spelling at a year old!  Amazing!

When he turned one, Mark even had his picture in the Deseret News.

It looks like 1962 was a pretty good year.  Mom and Dad, I hope you will add memories of each year if there are significant ones you would like to include. 

PS  Back to the short leg/long body thing.  Check out the first photo of mom and dad.  Their eyes & shoulders totally line up, but how many inches does dad have on mom when standing?  Like, 7 or 8?  Imagine having 7 more inches of LEG Mark.  Just imagine.