Wednesday, December 29, 2010

1966-Behold, the color photographs!

I'm going to start by saying, I know this is not a visually attractive post as far as photo layout and captions go, but I have been having such blogging grief with blogger today, I'm just going to be glad it's all on here and call it good.  Now, on to the real post...

Here they are.  The first of the color photos.  There aren't many, so I'm wondering if they were taken with someone else's camera and then given to mom and dad.
The first we have is through Spring Lane Preschool, so that would explain the color.  Not a lot of color, mind you, but there is some color there.  I am not certain this is from 1966, as it is labeled for the 66-67 school year, but I thought I'd put it here.

Cutie Mark in preschool.  I'm digging the paisley shirt. 

Next, we have a shot of Grandma and her sisters, Virginia and Gloria, in Gloria's front yard in California.

The last of the color shots are from Christmas.   

 Dad, where did you get these trees?  I never see trees like this at tree lots, or even the tree farms we've been to.  I also have not seen a flocked tree in a long time.  We might have to look into that next year.

Stacey's Christmas loot.  I LOVED that baby carriage.  Especially when I tried to force our cats to ride around in it dressed up in baby clothes.  Ahhh, good times.  

I'm liking the toaster, iron, ironing board, tea set, doll, etc.  It was a very domestic Christmas for Stacey.  I can't tell if the red thing is a piano or a cash register.  Mom?  Dad?  Stacey? 
Mark's loot.  A totally awesome race track that takes up the whole room.  Where did you set that up after Christmas?  I see a police cruiser, a "super gun"  and is that a rifle standing up next to it?  Wow!  And what is Kaboom!-that box on the left?  Mark is going to need the map puzzle and the globe ball for all the trips you took this year--we'll get to those in a minute.

And an excellent family shot from either Christmas eve or Christmas Day

  1966's Easter shots
 Coloring eggs

Are these the cutest kids ever?  I don't have adjectives good enough to describe what I think of Mark in that striped (yes, striped, click it if you can't tell) suit coat, and I just can't get over the wonderfulness of Stacy's hair.

There was some serious traveling going on this year.  Here is the rundown...

Leaving for California

San Diego Zoo

"Get here Mom, she's falling!"
(From Mom's notes on the back.)



My, how things have changed.
Doesn't it look like Mark is wearing earrings?
But they are really part of the Native American's attire, aren't they?

Thought I'd add a shot from two years ago to show how the teacups had changed.

International Movie Studio--did this become Universal Studios?

Island Park/Yellowstone with the Lundbergs
Mom, Dad, Mark and Stacey with LaWona, Leslie and David Lundberg.

Mom wrote, "Jerry standing by Prickly Pear Cactus from which they make candy."  I'm pretty sure this is a saguaro cactus though.  I did google cactus candy, and you can make candy from both.  Either way, that cactus is huge!  At least 20 feet, don't you think?

Stockton, Colorado

The family took a trip to Stockton with the Faggs.  Did you ride the train to Stockton?  That would be so fun!
Mesa Verde Indian Ruins

I know a trip to Arches National Monument was included in this vacation somewhere, too.  I don't think you could have fit another trip into one summer! 

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


 Easter 1965

I love that little tent.  Did we have that blow-up bunny for a while,
or am I thinking of a different one? 
I think it was blue...

What a good looking family.  Mom, I love the lace around your collar and your sleeves. 
So pretty!  I would love to wear that now. 
Can you see the tiny peach tree?

Handsome Mark at 3 1/2.  Don't you love that vest?

1st Birthday

Stacey enjoying her birthday frosting.  Yum!
I love the chenille pom poms on the curtains.  What color were they?

I don't have a date for this, but this shot is Stacey taking some of her first steps.  Yay!  
You have that table in your bedroom now, right Mom and Dad?

Grandpa and Grandma with Stacey. 
I swear Grandma looked just like that in her 90s! 

A happy mom with her happy kids.

Thistle Dew

Merry Christmas!

That tree is awesome.

Someday I will have better Photoshop skills and I will get rid of things like those scratches. 

Note the big blue bottle in the background!

Postcard from Brasil
Post Marked
December 20, 1965

Dear Jerry, Carlene, and Family-

     Hi, it sure seems good, good to write to you.  I sure think of you a lot and all the help and friendship you have given both me and my family.  We love you.  This is a picture of our district taken in a small park.  They have these parks about every other block.  That's Adam in the background.  Merry Christmas to you and Happy New Year.  I sure miss you and especially Mark.  See you soon and thanks again for all.

Mom and Dad, I know you've told me who Skip is before, but I can't remember.  Can you give us the details?

Sunday, November 28, 2010

1964--And Along Came Stacey

     On August 25, 1964, Stacey Carlene Palmer was born.  She weighed 9 pounds even and was 20 inches long.  She had long eyelashes, long fingers and not much hair.  She didn't keep mom and dad waiting, either.  She was born 1 1/2 hours after mom arrived at the hospital!

Stacey, 4 days old.

     When Stacey was born the President was Lyndon B. Johnson, the Governor of Utah was Calvin L. Rampton, and the Mayor of Salt Lake City was J. Bracken Lee.  History making news of the day:  astronauts stay in space 8 days, war in Vietnam, girls wearing mini-skirts and boys growing long hair.  The new inventions and gadgets of 1964 included self-cleaning ovens, color TV, vaccines for polio and measles, kidney transplants and electric can openers, blankets, knives and toothbrushes.

Stacey, 6 days old.

     The foremost entertainers of 1964:  The Beatles, Andy Williams and Allen and Rossi.  Popular dances included the Watusi, Frug, Swim, and the Monkey. 

Mark holding his 9 day old sister. 
I'm not sure either of them are enjoying the experience.

So sweet!

     Mom wrote in the baby book that the ribbon Stacey wore on her head the day she went home was held on with Scotch tape!

Mom holding Stacey, 2 1/2 months old.                             4 months old

     While the birth of Stacey was the biggest news of the year, lets take a look at some other moments...

    Mark dyeing Easter eggs.               I know mom still has this basket.        Easter morning cutie!

Mark eating cotton candy in the backyard.                   Mark in the leaves at Grandpa and Grandma's house.

     At least two family trips were taken in 1964.  Of course, one was up to Thistle Dew, the other was to Zion National Park.

Grandma Ruth and Grandpa Carl Johnson in front of the kitchen window at Thistle Dew.  Those shutters don't look yellow.  What color were they mom?

Two successful fishermen!


     You can see that Mom is still expecting Stacey in the Big Indian shot.  If you look carefully, you can see Mom and Mark's reflection in the water of the second picture.

     And don't forget Christmas!  Mark and Stacey made out well!

I remember the clock in the back and the penny slot gumball machine.  I love the magnet board with Mark's name on it and the awesome Tinker Toy structure.

And Stacey was the best dressed girl around, for sure. 
What is the litte round thing with her name on it?  

Looks like 1964 was another fantastic year for the Palmer family!